If you are like most people, your car is one of the most important possessions you have. Once you have found and purchased the right vehicle, you will need to get the right auto insurance coverage. The professionals at Great Northern Insurance Agency have helped a number of car owners get the right insurance policies to fit their needs. We can offer a variety of auto insurance coverage options. The best way to find out which one works best for you is by coming in and talking with a member of our team. Here is more information on the most common types of auto insurance coverage we provide to our customers.
Liability Insurance Coverage
With liability insurance, you will be covered in the event of a car accident that is determined to be your fault. This type of automotive insurance coverage in Chicago will cover the damage done to your vehicle and any medical bills from injuries caused by the accident. If you are still making payments on the vehicle you have, you will usually not be able to have liability coverage alone. A member of our team can help you find the best coverage for your needs.
Full Coverage Auto Insurance
For most drivers, full coverage auto insurance in Chicago is the best option. If your car is stolen, hit by a deer or damaged by an act of nature, you will be able to get the damage fixed with a full coverage policy. While this type of insurance coverage is more expensive than liability coverage, it is well worth the money invested.
Are you in need of auto insurance coverage in Chicago? Contact us now to find out about the auto insurance policies we can offer.